"In February 2020 as a relatively fit male weighing in at 90kg I ended up in ICU with septicemia resulting in multiple organ failure affecting heart liver and kidneys. 40 days later I returned home weighing 65kg, on dialysis and having to learn how to walk again. I contacted June who took me under her wing and slowly brought me back to full health and today I’m off dialysis weighing in at a healthy 86kg and able to enjoy my life once again . Thanks June for your intervention, patience and compassion. To anyone reading this I can only say that June will help you to achieve whatever goal you have decided to set yourself and will make sure that you enjoy the experience."

"I decided in March this year to enter miss fitness SA. I had no idea what this entailed or even where to begin. I was recommended to June from Bernadette Beyer, the organizer of the miss fitness pageant in cape town. Before i started training with June, my body fat was 20 percent, I had no structured training programme and had never ever even attempted to follow a diet in my life! 5 months down the line, my body fat is now 10 percent, i am lean and toned and in the best shape of my life, and just finished first place at the IFBB KZN championships. I have a structured training programme and diet, which i follow with ease! More than that, June is someone you can rely on, not just to train you but to provide you with the support and encouragement you need to get through to achieve your goals. She is available 24/7 and she is always willing to help and provide answers, no matter how busy she is. June is fabulous...and im so happy where I am and where I'm going with her. I definitely would not have achieved what I have so far without her!"
"Best trainer in Durban: June is quite simply the best trainer I’ve ever worked out with (and I’ve had many, both in the UK and SA). Every workout is fun, dynamic , and different. Unlike many trainers June isn’t someone who puts a band-aid on a problem or proposes quick- fix solutions. Conversely June is all about helping you adjust your lifestyle to come up with long term plans to have the body and life you want. Apart from being a trainer , June is also qualified in Naturopathic Nutrition, so she knows how to give informed, non-fad advice on how to eat. Every day June holds me and my partner accountable and I’m loving how much fitter and happier we have become in the months since training with her. If you want the best trainer in Durban, give June a call. She will tailor workouts and meal plans to your bespoke needs and you will love every minute of the process."

"Great personal trainer! Sessions are fun and very effective. June is very professional and motivates you each step of the way. I've only been training with her for 3 weeks and I have lost such a lot of weight already! I would definitely recommend her."
"June gives you a very personalized service and really cares about you, which is rare."

"Thank you so much for the continued training June. For anyone that's reading this... you won't get a better trainer than June. I've had to go through a fair amount of trainers before meeting someone that has such a wholistic approach to health, fitness and well-being. June's knowledge is amazing... but also... I feel amazing after our sessions. Here's to always training with you June!"
"June has helped me immensely not only to get the most amazing body but also June has helped me mentally to get around the issues that hold me back health wise! You will never find this quality with any other trainer! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟"

"I had a baby in 2014, and lost my pregnancy weight pretty quickly, I actually was slimmer than before I fell pregnant. However, in 2016 I started gaining weight, and I tried various diets and exercises routines, and by 2018, before I joined June, I was the biggest I had ever been.
June suggested how I should eat, which I was pleasantly surprised was not just a lettuce leaf but a well-balanced way of eating, and started training me. Within a few months I started losing weight and was feeling so much better in myself. Then my weight just stagnated and I didn't lose much more, but was not at my ideal weight. June didn't give up, she started asking questions about my health, diet, history etc, and after a few conversations, she managed to piece what had happened to cause my weight stagnation. She recommended specific natural supplements and I carried on exercising with her and eating well, and now I have lost a large amount of weight, and am toned and the fittest I have been in years.
June doesn't just give you the same old gym routine and eating plan that some trainers give to all their clients, she tailors the workout and eating plan to the individual and really delves deeper into the wellness of a person, and through her knowledge is able to identify issues of weight gain and other problems, which I have never experience with any other personal trainer.
I would highly recommend June as a Personal Trainer to anyone that wants to lose weight and / or get fit and toned. You rock June."
"After I had a bad fall on the pavement, I knew that I could have saved myself if I had been in better physical shape. Because I found it hard to find the motivation and knowledge of what exercises I should be doing to improve, I inquired from friends which personal trainer had the expertise and experience to build up my confidence and my strength. A very good friend recommended personal trainer June Heydenrych. June analysed my specific requirements, and under her guidance she also completely resolved the chronic stiffness caused by a frozen shoulder. We have also strengthened my core and worked on improving my stability to such an extent that I no longer feel afraid of uneven surfaces or falling, and not being able to help myself. I can dance with confidence now too! Thanks to June."

"June’s loving, magnetic personality, impressive knowledge on health and nutrition and her innovative approach to personal training left a permanent alteration in the way I now live my life. She has been my trainer, my mentor, my life coach and my friend and through it all she has taught me how to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle and helped me achieve my fitness goals. In grade 12 and the first year of university I put on lots of weight from unhealthy eating patterns I had adopted and general lack of self care through inactivity and inadequate sleep. When I saw June she inspired me to improve myself mentally which transpired in different aspects of my life namely fitness and academics. She taught me work ethic and perseverance. Most importantly she taught me how to incorporate skills like how to train myself and eat clean into my own life adapting foods and workouts I enjoyed which put me on track to achieve all my goals including weight loss goals. Once I reached my goal weight I looked better, felt better and had so much more confidence and this positive change trickled into other aspects of my life. This is what I feel made her have such a lasting impact in my life because unlike other fads or personal trainers the skills she has taught me and the wisdom she possesses will always be implemented in my life as I grow older. I can now be put in a high stress, time consuming situation like I will be during clinical years in medical school and know how to be able to maintain my weight and manage my stress while performing excellently. When it comes to nutrition and health she is an expert and knew how to get my health to an optimum with advice regarding natural remedies when it came to anything from having the flu to how combat nausea. As a medical student we learn to treat patients with a biopsychosocial approach to ensure they are able to fully recover and maintain their health and June has certainly done that. Over a relatively short period of time she has taken me from a chubby, insecure girl who never trained more than 10 times a year to a fit, young girl who trains almost 5 times a week while studying and has maintained the weight I lost with her by using the skills she’s taught me. June’s wisdom has never ceased to amaze me and she has truly been an angel in my life. She goes above and beyond for her clients and is certainly a cut above the rest."
"At 46 years of age I have finally come to the conclusion, with the ...help of June Heydenrych and Infinite Energy, that the most important aspect to obtaining a slim, toned physique is doing resistance training combined with a sensible, well - balanced eating plan. For years I have pounded the pavements thinking that endless kilometres are going to give me the body that I'm after. However, after a consultation with June, I switched to weight training 4 times a week, cut down on my endless Cardio and started following a very easy meal plan....and I'm definitely NOT one who has ever managed to follow a "diet" !! Within 5 weeks I had lost 3 kilograms but more importantly, my body fat percentage reduced by almost 5 % ! My shape has changed : I have muscle definition and am overall slimmer and more toned. The benefits of this programme are fantastic and I'm only sorry that I didn't "get this" years ago!"

"One of the best investments I have ever made is to join June at the gym. Two months before my daughter’s wedding, I found June. My body was in a sad state of neglect. I had never bothered to exercise after I had had my children and that was thirty years ago. After one month, I noticed changes in my body shape. Good changes! June has an expert knowledge on nutrition and she certainly makes it her business to personalise your diet and exercise routine. Wedding photos show a whole new me! That was just the beginning. Not only have I enjoyed my gym experience with June but I am also so grateful for the way she has turned my life around. I am conscious of healthy eating but can still enjoy (on occasions) other cuisine. I can feel the result in my clothes and have dropped two sizes. My self-confidence has soared. June listens, coaches and advises. I consider her to be an excellent life coach since she has created a brand new me. Thanks, June!"
"I originally signed up to train with June in February 2014 with the intention of getting into shape for a Thailand holiday in May. I must admit, it took some time to get into it. But, once you start seeing and feeling the results of your body changing it is so worth it! Thailand aside, I’m still training with June a year later twice a week. Through her honest and determined encouragement, I have managed to surpass my expectations. My original “curvy-cuddly” shadow has transformed into a more slender feminine build. June has drilled into me what I should be eating, how I should be eating, and what is more - what I must never touch! June’s exercise routines are planned to target your more difficult areas and believe me, you feel it the next day (which is always good!). June empowers you to embrace a good healthy lifestyle, which is what I needed and helped me tremendously. Training with her is always a pleasure … in the most strenuous way."

"With the benefit of fifteen years working with Personal Trainers I can recommend with confidence June as being amongst the most competent and professional trainers. June is exceptionally dedicated, committed, punctual and attentive, and meticulously structures and monitors the client’s programme to meet the clients’ objectives. She has a genuine passion to making a difference for her client, and takes pride in her work. June’s infectious personality, interest in her clients, energy and enthusiasm are a welcome and appreciated additional bonus."
"I was always pessimistic about engaging a personal trainer. However my wife Vanitha was always of the firm opinion and belief that it would be nothing but advantageous to acquire the skills and knowledge from a personal trainer. Needless to say, my doubts and pessimism were certainly misplaced after Vanitha and I received your professional services. It was Vanitha who had specifically chosen you and her reasoning was that your ‘claim to fame’ amongst the other trainers listed was simply, sublime. In fact your personal references flaringly stand out. Apart from your very impressive CV, Vanitha paid close attention to your demeanor whilst training your clients. She informed me that you conduct yourself professionally and that you engage your clients with enthusiasm, specifically paying attention to the fact that the sessions held with your clients is based on hard work and not one of a ‘socialising’ session. Vanitha was correct. The eight sessions that we enjoyed with you has been nothing but a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE for us to the extent that the wisdom and knowledge you imparted to us will always be part of our routine. In the 2 ½ weeks that I spent with you I lost 1 ½ kg and there was a significant change to my body shape. It was an absolute pleasure and delight to engage your services. As I previously stated, engaging your services has been a life altering experience which has had a positive benefit on our lives."
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