June Heydenrych
Personal training, health and nutrition was a natural career progression for June. Having started figure skating as a four year old - and then branching off into gymnastics at the age of eight and continuing with this throughout her schooling - June has been involved in sports and fitness for most of her life. In her 20's, June began competitive Sports Aerobics, which led her to competing professionally as a Miss Fitness competitor both locally and Internationally into her 30's. June has a respected reputation in the fitness industry and has been a judge for various Miss Fitness competitions; and has also been featured in fitness publications as a contributing writer and a cover and exercise model.​
Fitness Qualifications
Dip. (Personal Training) : FITCO SA (Distinction)
H. Dip (Naturopathic Nutrition) : CNM Ireland
H Cert. (Sports Nutrition) : ISSA USA (Distinction)
Cert. (Body Conditioning): Inst. Fitness Professionals SA
Cert. (Aerobics Instructor) : Inst. Fitness Professionals SA
Cert (Exercise and Pregnancy) : Inst. Fitness Professionals SA
Cert (Aqua Aerobics) : Professional Aquatic Association SA
Cert (Aqua Therapy) : Professional Aquatic Association SA
Yearly CEC’S & seminars: Various Recognised Institutions
Cert. (Life Coaching) : Trifocus Fitness Academy
Sporting Achievements
Given these achievements, it may be surprising to hear that from an early age, June was painfully shy and struggled with low self-esteem. This was the catalyst to driving herself too hard - with damaging consequences. Pressure and stress led to challenges such as bordering on anexoria when young, and years later suffering the effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. this was the tipping point at which she decided to take a step back and find a healthy balance - which is exactly what she tries to instill in others now. Junes' earnest desire is to help people not only to look amazing and be healthy, but to be confident and happy with who they are. ​
Provincial Colours for Gymnastics
South African Colours for Professional Sports Aerobics: 2 years
South African Colours for Ms. Fitness: 3 years
World Championships - Sports Aerobics: Europe
World Championships – Ms. Fitness: Poland
World Championships – Fitness America & Fitness Universe (ESPN)
MTN Gladiators TV series finalist
Cover model for Muscle Evolution
Exercise demo model for Muscle Evolution and M Magazine
Other Involvements & Experience
June believes in a holistic, natural approach to wellness, enabling the body to function at its optimum through suitable eating, training, health and relaxation techniques. June herself enjoys a variety of physical activities including hot yoga, swimming, surfing and body boarding, incorporated with her resistance and functional training. June has found her balance and would like to help you to find yours: be a happier, healthier, fitter, sexier, more confident and more relaxed you!
Higher Diploma in Business Management
Formerly on IFBB Committee as Ms Fitness Representative Gauteng
Judge for Ms Fitness SA – 2006 to 2019
Mentor to new Personal Trainers in Virgin Active program
Toastmasters Committee Member